Though little-regarded in its time, the book is now regarded as one of the great novels of all time. The initial cold reception to MD was due – at least in part – to a printing error when the original copy neglected to include the epilogue.

Imagining their simple-minded American cousins capable of accidentally writing a story narrated by someone who does not survive the events being narrated, the critics attacked Melville, and American reviewers, cowed by their sophisticated English peers, adopted their posture. Moby-Dick sold poorly, as would everything else Melville wrote from then on.1

I read it from a desire to expose myself to more great literature; and I was hooked.2 I now own four printed copies, an audio book, two companion works, a print, and companion novel: Ahab’s Star.

This page exists as a resource for those who would like to know more about this work.


Reading Out Loud or, The Whale: extols the virtues of reading Moby Dick aloud. Meville is a joy for the ear as well as the mind; and the novel lends itself to voices and interpretation.

Audio is an audio version of Moby Dick with individual chapters read and submitted by fans. The narration and recording quality vary greatly.


  2. This pun, like all of mine, is intentional.