About Luke Hartman
Howdy! I am Luther Kent (Luke) Hartman. I live in Edmond, OK, with my wife (owner and operator of https://kalikosmos.com), four sons, a turtle, two dogs, four guinea pigs, and six fish.
I received a degree in Bible and Ministry from Oklahoma Christian University and worked in ministry for a few years while nurturing my programming hobby in my spare time. Since 2007 I have worked at my alma mater in the IT department programmer and I nurture my theology hobby in my spare time.
I am a master of northern pike, lake trout, and divinity (at least according to certificates from the Province of Manitoba and Harding School of Theology).
I have no relationship to the eponymous blues singer Luther Kent (though I am trying to appreciate his music) and eagerly await his response to my Instagram request to use the @lutherkent username (which he reserved but never used).
I’m also working on being a unworthy servant.
Here’s what I’m doing now.